Sprinkler Installation Idaho Falls ID

Sprinkler Installation Services in Idaho Falls & Southeast Idaho

Let's start building your yard with sprinkler system installations. Set your yard up for success with custom sprinkler installations by contacting our crew today! We'll get your yard, flowerbeds, and gardens covered with adequate irrigation.

We install sprinkler systems for residential and commercial properties. 

Our Sprinkler Installation Services:

-Custom Sprinkler System Design

-Sprinkler System Installation

-Pipe Pulling

-Sprinkler Head Installation

-Valve Installation

-Controller Setup

-System Testing

-Ongoing Sprinkler Repair Service

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Sprinkler System Installation Idaho Falls

Efficient Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler Installation

Sprinkler Installation

Professional Sprinklers in East IDaho

Professional Sprinklers

Our Sprinkler System Installations in Idaho Falls Include:

Custom Sprinkler System Design & Installation

Custom Sprinkler System: Every lawn is different. Therefore we make all of our sprinkler systems different. We design a layout that fits the needs of your yard. This ensures optimal coverage and efficiency.

Professional Installation: Our team can handle your sprinkler needs. From digging the trenches to laying the pipes and installing the sprinkler heads. We work quickly and cleanly. We try to keep the disruptions minimal to your daily life.

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Controller Setup & Testing

Smart Controller Set-Up: Modern lawns need modern solutions. We install smart controllers that you can operate straight from your phone.

Eco-Friendly Options: Our eco-friendly systems save water and energy. Keeping your lawn beautiful. Saving water will help you save money too.

Thorough System Testing: We aren't down right when it's installed. We thoroughly test your new system. We make adjustments as needed to ensure it works perfectly before we leave.

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Why Choose Professional Sprinkler Installation by Idaho Falls Sprinkler Systems?

Save Time/Effort: With a professionally installed sprinkler system, you can sit back and enjoy your lawn.

Water Efficiency: Our systems are designed for the lowest water waste possible. Every drop counts. This helps you have a healthier lawn and lower water bills.

Increase Property Value: A well-maintained lawn with a top-notch sprinkler system looks great. It also adds value to your property.

Peace of Mind: We have expert installation and quality products.

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